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Hyperbolic equations and wave phenomena play an important role in various research as well as industrial areas. Because of this popularity, many highly efficient and robust implementations for these models are available. The respective codes have shown to, for example, simulate the airflow around an airfoil very precisely, but only if the provided input data is identical or at least extremely close to the experimental setup. Any arising uncertainties in the input parameters, originating from e.g. measurement tolerances, imperfect information or modeling assumptions cannot be represented and thus lead to differences in the results of experiments and simulations. Therefore, propagating these uncertainties through complex partial differential equations has become an important topic in the last decades. Using standard intrusive techniques when solving non-linear hyperbolic equations with uncertainties can lead to oscillatory solutions as well as non-hyperbolic moment systems. Furthermore, the high dimensionality makes direct approaches infeasible. Therefore, research is necessary on the mathematical side.