Organizer of this minisymposium is
In waves, the complete integrable system refers to a special class of dispersive nonlinear waves equations. Notably, these equations possess infinite number of conserved quantities, soliton solutions in the strongest sense and superposition-like behaviors, all despite of nonlinearity. They are linked to linear operators by the inverse scattering transform. The special technique to treat such integrable systems often times involve complex analysis that may seem mysterious, yet it uniquely yields detailed results that can be powerful and informing even to non-integrable equations or methods that do not try to invoke integrability. Half a century since its discovery, the integrable models have only become more relevant for the study of waves. To name but a few applications, in the last two decades integrable systems are nominated as candidate to model tsunami, rogue waves and extreme wave events.
Of particular interest, this proposed minisymposium will focus on inverse scattering transform with a lean on the Riemann–Hilbert problems. Among the potential invited speakers, many are experts in Riemann–Hilbert analysis, the Dubrovin et. al. universality conjecture and its generalizations, long time asymptotics of Cauchy problems and initial boundary value problems. Their results have lead to important development in univesality, rogue waves and soliton resolution conjecture and so on, which are important not only to the integrable, but also the general wave equation community.